Last Times

First times get all the attention. First time swimming. First time riding a bike. First time flying. A mix of excitement and fear for a new experience. But we almost never notice last times. The last time hiking a beautiful scenery. The last time talking to a friend. The last time hugging a loved one. Most last times are sad as they mark the end to a phase. The phase may have been better or worse, but it has shaped our life. So did my little appartment in Munich, which I had to vacate due to personal needs of the owner. As I emptied the 40 m2 that had been my home for almost six years, I remembered the feeling when I first moved in. It was a time of excitement for a new start full of opportunities. I had tons of plans and ideas of all the things I wanted to do. Everything seemed possible.

I passed the door so often, yet I had never actually looked at it

As I looked back one last time to the empty appartment, I realised how little of all of that I had actually done. I left behind the place that had stood for all my aspirations. Minimalism. Zero waste. Meditation. Design. All those things. I closed the door, walked down the stairs for the last time, and thanked that place for the dreams it helped make a reality.

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